I'm a little later than usual today, had to watch the rerun of the VMAs on MTV (I'm to old now to stay up till 2 in the morning to watch it live). I saw some great performances, but all in all the show lacked something. It just wasn't as spectacular as some of the old shows. I thought it was awesome that Brit got the best video of the year award, cause frankly I think it was actually the best video of the year and I'm not even a fan of hers. I just wished she had performed it on stage. the way she was looking it would have been hot. Whatever she did to lose weight, I want it too ;-)
While we are on the topic of videos, I just found this hilarious bit on Hummie's blog about a male approach to scrapping (traditional not digital). Check it out:
Now for some freebies, enjoy and leave those designers some love.
Cheers, Angie aka IkeaGoddess
http://pinkpeacockdesigns.blogspot.com/ 2x
I didn't quite make through my google reader list today, but I'll be back with all that's missing and more tomorrow. Take care.
That video is hysterical! You made my day!! Hummie's DH (is that who it was?) has exactly the right lingo and techniques. What a classic!!
My new favorite blog! Thanks so much for taking the time to post all these goodies for all of us!
thank you so much!!!
I didn't know you name was Angie. I like knowing that...easier to say.
I want to marry the man in the video.
THANKS for a great laugh, and thanks also for collecting all the freebies for us.
Do you know that designers become ecstatic when they get on your blog?
Thank you for listing my freebie Angie! And thanks a lot for the nice comment on my blog!
I just loved that video. Thanks for sharing.
oh my gosh. I can't stop laughing my head off. That was FANTASTIC! Thanks to you Angie, and to you for sharing it with us Hummie. LoL! I cannot stop laughing. oh my.
Thanks for posting my freebies. I have a new template at www.just2morethings.blogspot.com
oh nein ich habs verpasst, ich wollte es auch unbedingt ansehen!
Ich hab auch wieder ein Freebie!
your blog is irreplaceable for me!! I have an award for you on my blog. Thank you very much for your work!!
Thank you for collecting all these freebies. I have a new template on my blog
Just came across your site. I have a freebie at www.serenitybluedigital.blogspot.com. Thanks for all the hard work you put into finding these freebies!
That video was great!! We should have all our Hubbys' watch it. Also thank you for all the work you do to bring us these great freebies , appreciate it.
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