I hope you all had a fun Easter with your family. We did, at least the most fun you can have with a 3 year old who is high on sugar, because every family member got him a chocolate Easter rabbit, chocolate eggs, and gummibears, not to mention the lollipops. And of course he had to try it all. The best was that Damien started counting today. He has been counting to ten for a while, but he couldn't apply it to objects. When I would ask him to count something in a book, he would go one, two, many :-) But today he went the whole nine yards and counted his Easter eggs and all kind of different things, hurray.
http://rackettyscrappety.blogspot.com/http://littledreamerdesigns.typepad.com/little_dreamer_designs/ 4x4
http://scrapmatters.com/wordpress/Kits & other goodies:
My little guys are the about the same age as yours and it is exciting when they hit these milestones!
If (or should I say when) they get put in time out, I make them count to 10 (with our help, usually). It helps them learn their numbers and also helps them get a different mindset once they come out since we are celebrating the accomplishment (of counting to ten) instead of lecturing about the problem that got them in time out in the first place.
Happy easter and thanks for the list! I love to stop by!
Ha! My kids were all sugar crazy yesterday too! They think Easter is about eating as much chocolate as possible. Silly kids.
Love your blog, and all the freebies you find! Thanks so much.
Check out my site if you get a minute, there's almost daily free WordArt! Thanks :)
I cannot believe you took the time out on easter sunday with a sugar-high 3 yr old to post for us!!! You are truly devoted! ;)
Found a freebie I thought I'd pass on. Only good for a few more days. Its a total of 17 different collage sheets from the TenTwoStudios /GoMakeSomething owner. She occasionally does a Holiday Countdown with a new freeb every day...but they only last few days after countdown. Here's the link...not sure how you do this, so if you decide to post, you can take it from here.
Oh, and I'm working on some comm use freebies (mostly overlays and textures), but I don't have a blog. What do I do, just put on 4 shared and send you preview and link, and if you like it you post? Or do I need to have blog first? Thanks again for your amazing generosity of time in keeping this site!
And I got around the candy high thing by telling each relative 1 small candy, and if you wanna give something else, give dollar store toys! 4 years ago I had 3 step babies, each puking at least once during the day. After that, I laid the candy prohibition! lol Kids still get a lot of candy, but not enough to go totally bouncing off walls.
Blessed Easter to you and yours!
Happy Easter!
Thanks for your wonderful list of freebies! I look forward to it everyday!
Just wanted to let you know that I have a set of brag book templates on my blog as a freebie!
You can check it out at:
Thanks! <3
Happy Easter. Thanks for a great list. Congrats on the countin!
Hope you had a wonderful Easter! I've been visiting for a while and I finally have a freebie for you. Thank you so much for taking the time to post these freebies!
Here's mine...
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