Lorri has a template on her blog.
Lisa has a DIP template on her blog.
Azrood has a beautiful 2-page template on her blog.
Fryske has a template on her blog.
Kits & Stuff:
Sharon has a Pink Posy mini-kit on her blog.
Sabine has an alpha here.
Mindy has a School Days kit on her blog.
Graziela has a Thaty mini-kit on her blog.
Krista has a Sharp Dressed Man paper pack on her blog.
Audrey has a Round N' Round mini-kit on her blog.
Lindsay Jane has a Train Frame Cluster on her blog.
Cynthia has a black alpha on her blog.
Heather has Strange Bits on her blog.
Seebee has Dream Trip Neutrals papers on her blog.
Fernlili has a Fudge Sunday mini-kit on her blog.
Metalmama has a Flowertastic set on her blog for her CT Call. Make a layout with it and with a little luck you can be part of her creative team.
JD has a Friendship kit on her blog.
Sonia has Rust Flowers on her blog.
Weeds & Wildflowers:
W&W have a fun challenge on their blog. Post a link to any layout of yours made with W&W products (even if its only one element) and receive this cute button set that matches Gina's Being Me kit.
Just letting you know that I went to your link for Pink Posy on Sharon's blog and it wasn't coming up. I went through the main page there though and got artisticmusings.typepad.com/artistic_musings/2007/06/pink_posy.html as a link for you, if anyone is having the same problem. (It didn't work to format the link so I guess it needs a copy & paste from here.)
Wow... ignore that one! It didn't come out all the way either! CYE!!
Hi sweetie ty for putting my sample up nice to see someone liked my work but wonder if I could ask a HUGE favor.... could you mention that the smaple is meant for my Creative Team call? I would be so grateful:O)!!!
What a great friday freebie list you made today. I can't wait to start downloading them!
Btw, I tagged you on my blog. If you like it, play the tagging-thing with us, else...just ignore it!
Thanks sweetie !
Thanks so much for posting your freebies each day. I ALWAYS check your site and recommend you to everyone I know getting into digital. So, thanks again. I was wondering... I saw a note about a freeware that unzipped multiple files at once that someone in the digiscrapping world mentioned. I am looking for it and wondered if it was you? If so, can you give me the name? Thanks a bunch!
I haven't told you for a looong time how much I appreciate what you do for us all...your work is deeply appreciated...;o)
I have cut down drastically on my searching...had no time to organize. Yours is the only listing I go to now...there are so many generous designers!!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart...;o)
Great list today. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
amazing list again, I get all my templates from you, many thanks for sharing the links
Hey Ikea-Thanks again for the mention and WOW a huge Friday list!! Thanks for all-
Thank you so much for the list :)
Thank you!!!
WOW! There were some COOL ones today! Thanks so much!!
Thanks again for the great list full of links. It's a good job and it's very much appreciated, it makes so much easier to look for freebies. :)
Thanks a million as well for sharing your layouts, the last one with the recipe was great. Have a great weekend and best wishes. :o)
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