Monday, July 20, 2009

No Freebie Hunting Tonight

After pulling yet another late shift today, I have to be up and at work way before noon tomorrow for a workers council meeting. The only things I may be doing tonight before heading off to bed, is read a bit of TwiPorn and work a little on my novel. I will be back tomorrow with two days worth of scrappin' goodies.
See ya


MeltingBeadGirl66 said...

It amazes me how much you do. Your Twilight obsession, freebie hunting, writing a novel, working and on top of that your family... WOW!

I don't say thank you enough, my apologies. I appreciate the time you spend hunting freebies so I don't have to.

Yin said...

Hope Damien is all fine now! And rest well, thanks for doing all the hard work hunting for us and helping us designers get our freebies out there too!

Jeanne Norman (Photographer) said...

I have a freebie for you!